Paterson / Clifton trains of time past

Paterson NJ was a hub of manufacturing in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It's primary product was silk and other cloths. But it also was the home for a few locomotive manufacturers and other metal works. The infamous Colt 45 was invented and manufactured here.

The silk plants were setup mainly along a section of the Passaic River banks and powered by water and electricity, provided by the Paterson Falls and a small generator plant situated up rive a little. Others found spots throughout Paterson and Clifton. The farther one goes back in time the more inventions and developments came out of this area as well as New Jersey.

Several companies made steam locomotives here. One was the Rogers Manufacturing facilities

Also  Cooke Plant (Later to become Alco). The original area at West Railway Ave and Madison Ave was later the Continental Can COmpany... Soom of the original buildings still stand today..

Grant Locomotive Works built the 'America' for the 1867 Paris Exposition 

Locomotive America built by the Grant Locomotive Works

The major RR line was the Erie. In alter years the Erie Lackawana. Its precursors the Erie and the Delaware, Lackawana and Western (DL&W). Ther is a never ending list of railroads that served NJ and NY.with surrounding states passing thru...

Later posts will delve farther into the history of the area and what existed during my time (1948 to today). Like all throughout the US, the post WWII developments changed many aspects of our lives. 

Enjoy my meanderings

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